
That's enough (gapenting)

I'm tired. Yeah i'm tired in love with you. Really. You make me stupid. You make me awkwardly. You make my heart broke. You make me crazy. You make me fall in love with you
But,you already belong to her. I saw you and her last time and my heart shattered. I thought better I get out of your life. Correction, I've never been exist in your heart. You never think about me but I always think about you. 
Better I die,than i hurt cause i love you. But....

Io ti amerò sempre. I'll always love you
These aren't important and you can drop them to the trash lol :P

This week
1. I really wanna Hershey Milk Chocolate
2. I really want to do K709-1 (Secret :D)


I updated my tumblr

Check this out

(aren't important)


Chesse cake factory !

Last friday me and my team (plus yunda,gufta,vania.o) went to the Cheese Cake Factory Cikini. We went here for made Indonesian assignment (made our own advertisement video). So here we took some photos for inclusion in our video. There were some funny atmosphere so we could do anything although we was impolite (i thought :p)
Unfortunatelly Nabila,one of our team didn't go with us because she should go to dentist

Some pict :D

Muchas Gracias ! :D


Liburan kali ini aku pergi ke Rusia. Ya, di Rusia itu sangat dingin sekali. Terakhir aku lihat di termometer dinding di hotel itu sekitar 3 derajat celcius (grrrr......) Di Rusia aku hanya berada di Hotel,dan kadang-kadang aku berjalan disekitar untuk menghapus kebosanan.

Aku pergi ke Rusia bersama tante ku. Di Rusia aku memesan hotel di Golden Boutique Hotel Garden di St. Petersburg. Hotel itu cukup strategis karena dekat dengan stasiun metro Dostoevskaya dan stasiun metro Mayakovskaya. Tetapi cukup jauh untuk sampai di bandara. Nama bandara yang terdekat disana adalah bandara Pulkovo (kalau tidak salah,itu juga kata tanteku)

Selama di Golden Boutique Hotel Garden,aku tidak melakukan apa-apa selain menonton TV dan makan,tidur.Kadang teriak-teriak sendiri.Tapi untungnya kamar hotel itu kedap suara. Nah saya akan membahas tentang perjalanan ku di Rusia.

Selama di St.Petersburg aku menuju hermitage museum. Museum itu banyak sekali koleksi seninya termasuk karya Leonardo Da Vinci,Pablo Picasso,dll. Bagi kamu yang pecinta seni,kamu harus datang kesini! (maksa mode on)  Aku juga bersantai-santai di Istana Chaterine dan istana Yusupov. Aku berkunjung di daerah bersejarahnya seperti pinggiran kekaisaran Pavlosk dan pinggiran kekaisaran Peterhof. Dan aku juga sempat menonton konser di Hall Glinka dari Philharmonic. Itu adalah konser musik. Sebenarnya aku tidak berniat untuk menonton,tetapi tante saya membujuk saya untuk menonton pertunjukkan tersebut.

Ini gedungnya.

Akan tetapi,kebanyakan aku menghabiskan liburanku di Hotel karena cuacanya sangat dingin sekali sehingga aku menjadi malas untuk keluar. Sebagian temanku bilang kalau sayang sekali aku menghabiskan liburan di Rusia dengan cara seperti itu. Akan tetapi pergi disekitar saja sudah cukup.

Dan satu kegagalan ku di Rusia adalah aku tidak mengerti tulisan cyrillic. Ya. Contoh tulisannya seperti ini
"Меня зовут Хасна. Я уродлив и глуп" kau mengerti arti tulisan ini?
petunjuk: Хасна adalah Hasna. Dan asal kalian tahu saja seberapa susahnya tulisan ini.

Saya juga mencuri mendapatkan boneka matryoshka. Bonekanya lucu sekali seperti tempat pensil yang dapat dibuka-buka.

Segitu dulu tulisanku.

Udah bingung tambah bingung. Dadah !
*Bad Ending*


If you were my baby

I could dream my life away
What would I care anyway
It’d be so fine
If you were my baby
I’d be walking ten feet tall
With your love, girl
Why should I worry at all
If you were my baby

I’d never be lonely,
if you were my only love,
if you were my baby
I’d take my last breath,
before I would let you go,
and I promise I’d love you forever, and ever
If you were my baby

We’d go walking late at night
Count the starts up in the sky
Just you and me
If you were my baby

Stop to kiss under a tree
Listen to the sound of the whispering breeze
If you were my baby


Oh, how wonderful life would be,
if you’d give your love to me
Just to hold you, endlessly,
is all I’d ever need

[Chorus] ~

Oh, if you were my baby
If you were my baby


Hello again

Hello again,my ugly blog. Haha.
Yesterday was the terrible holiday,i went to Russia and it was veryveryvery cool
In Russia i almost like an ice.
Although now i have Doll Matyroska (btw,these words are right? :P). I stole it from my hotel.

(no mood to post right now)